25 novembre 2012

#FreeZwewla Grafitti is not a crime

About two years spent after Tunisia's change , the end of dictatorship as many believe .This people revolted for  freedom , dignity &, which is more important , to put an end for the social and economic problems.Actually we only reap  the freedom of expression even sometimes we got suppressed by the new regime. Thus media , artists and citizens found their ways to criticize
Grafitti: is a sipmle way to express somthing by writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed  on a wall used since long time ago , 'til this moment specialy to raise voice to the authorities like protesting for rights
The story starts with two young guys, study Grafitti art in Gabes south Tunisia , Oussema Bouagil & Chahin Belrich are members in the movement of poor people artistic.On 03 november 2012 police tired to lug them , they tried even to use live bullet to intimidate them . On tuesday 06 novemeber , they guys knew that they are facing charges of “writing, without permission on public property,breaching the state of emergency and publishing fake news that could disturb public order”  while the 05 Decmber was determined a day for thier trial

After all the hope that we felt of a good live , we got only speaking , & now they want to supress this guys with any way , human rights in my country are running the alert again .On 19 november some guys including them many bloggers like Leena Ben mehenni protested in with a peacefull way to support the two guys , also to defend the right of expression ,normally they were Intercepted by security forces , without fear they continued their ways to the coliseum of Tunis center

you can follow this mouvement on teir facebook page Graffiti is not a crime/le graffiti n'est pas un crime

06 novembre 2012

Big Step To the Back

i always wanted from all the tunisian media to look with a big eyes  for what happened in Bizerte seven months ago , an islamic farewell came at the university housing in Manzel Abd Rahmen ,since that moment  the situation changed for the worst . I Blogged with some videos about what happend and here is the Link , personally i don't find it akward when the same farewell were in Ettounssiya TV yesterday , while i believe that doesn't make any bad effect like what really made before

All civilians in Bizerte Gouvernerate won't ever forget what the Salafists ,workers under Chikh Bilel , did for the Human rights activists when  they invited a prisoner from Palestine  in the last August who criticized
the islamic regime in all the arab world , besides he motionned his support for Bachar Al Asad .Salafists Jihadists as they suppose, Launched an attack on this conference because of  the invitee speech , they horribly assaulted  the others while our minister of interior stayed quiet , and here is one of the consequences

Last but not least, those who named Jihadists started with in the attracting peole in order to have a popularity .Yesterday i was walking in the streets of this Gouvernerate , suddenly i saw an announcement on a shop's wall  for private studies , i got closer i read "only for male" written at the end , that seemd wried to me but when i saw the shop owner who's one of Mr Bilel farewell workers  , i think that this country will make a big step for the back . private studies only for male , girls go back to kitchen ? Chikh Bilel must go back for the old world

05 novembre 2012

ليلة بنزرتية مستقّلة

أيا أيا من غادي , هزّ هزّ تحرك , أمشيلنا يا طفل , أه ولد نفيسة هبط؟ تي عيطلوا عيط ...بعد ما سمعت هذا خرجت نجري ,و جاني عمّ عدنان ...عسلامة لولاد تسكنوا هوني ؟ أييه , أيا مالا تخرجوا تعاونونا مدام تلوحوا في الزبلة قدام البطيمة ؟ و خرجنا و يا محضركم على جو ...أيا يا وليدي ماشيلي و هاتلي مصلحة , تي وينها البالة ؟ لا نهضة لا سلفية لا سبسي وينكم أشبيكم وين حيكم هانا وحدنا , تكبيييير الي يحب يشرب يشرب و الي يحب يصلي يصلي أمّا الي يحب بلادو ما عليه كان يهبط ...الهّم قداش كرهتهم فتنونا و فرقونا و في الهّم زادونا في كل دار من كل حومة تشهد على عتبتهم المشومة , دخلوا في هالشعب دخلت البومة و في العزّاء من الساقين للكرومة و في ليلة الي سي الوزير حرمنا من الطماطم و المقرونة 
قتلكم عتبة مشومة ؟

سيبوا هالشباب المايع ولا أش تسموه , كيف ما نظّف وسخوا ينظّف بلادو من القهر لا عاش كيف أندادو مكسبوا اربعة حيوط لامتوا يبكي على حال الميمّة الي رباتوا و لهالعمر وصلتوا بعد ما تعبت باش جابتوا , حلم بمستقبل و خسارة عينو ما شقتوا أمّا شافت ضحكة , ضحكت التبسيمة الي ديما في الفمّ من الزوالي للكرزّة لليصلي و الي يشرب و الي يشّم جونطة وبتحليل تتكيف و ما يهمّ ...أخطونا و سيبونا راكم كي أولاد الحجلة فرقتونا  أما  في الهم لميتونا و  في العيشة الكلبة نسيتونا يأحزاب بلادي المغبونة , مستقلين و تشدونا , من أوّل دورة تعرضولنا  في أصواتنا نهبتونا و في الوسّخ خليتونا  هاكم شفتوا نظّفناه و مازلنا نظّفوا في خاطر هالبلاد الي ما شفت الفرحة  نبنوها كيف ما بنينا  دنيتنا دنيا فنّ و عيشة بنينّة و من دنيتكم فكنّا و يزينا 

بقية الصور موجودين على الرابط هذا