22 septembre 2012

Freedom of documentation for Bahraini cyber activists

There is no doubt that i support Bahrain's uprising, as one of the arab world revolutions. This great people are fearlessly facing the dictatorship  ,The 14 february seemes to be the beginning and i wrote this simple Blog to summarize the events. As i was twitting with my Bahraini followers , i found this video .it's a political short film , about the violation of  freedom in which a simple camera can be a sword .this has never seemd weird to me as i already witnessed  witnessed  cyber activists being victims especially in Tunisia & Egypt , But Bahrain is something different,it's still  ignored by almost of all the TV channels , As a consequence the  internet became thier weapon to resist a fight for better future

Ali Abdulemam : Bahraini activist,  is the creator & founder of bahrainonline.org this site has been onligne since 2005 , the Bahraini authorities arrested him , they investigated with him about why he's running this site . Ali is also a father for 3 children Morthadha , Zahra and Sarah his wife is Jenan in the video said "I used to have a husband who used take care of me ,who used to help me & share the responsability with me , taking care of the kids" .As i see it, the Bahraini authorities messed up their lifes , the innocent kids won't be raised in a healthy happy environment like their mother wished.According to Adam Shaprio a frontligne activist , Ali is more than just a social media activist in Bahrain as his influence extends  the middle East & Africa .The  Bahrainonline web site offered as one of the first the  for bahrainis to freely  express their opinion without having to worry about being arrested .Ali had been arrested again in September 2010 , he have been tortured insulted & humiliated in every  possible way.Abdulemam disappeared  in 2011 , he was sentenced to 15  of jail years for plotting to overthrow the government according to the authorities  .

Freedom For Ali Abduleman 

 Ahmed Ismail : a bahraini cetizen journalist & cameraman aged 22 years old from Salmaniya .He was Shot until death in the right thigh.On 31 march 2012, around 1:30 am there were a peacful protst took place, it was suppressed by security forces with tear gaz & rubber bullet .Ahmed was filming the events , witnesses saw an armed men in unmarked car which was accompanying the security forces,the occupants of the car were shooting live round at the protesters,  Ahmed with was shot at with laser_guided weapon.He was sent to the international hospital ,subsequently he was taken to Salmaniya hospital where his death was announced (Graphic photo of the injury

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