29 mars 2012

Are we Gonna lose even our liberty Of expression ?

After  a year & three months the tunisien people win only the freedom of expression  by many differents ways  like demonstartions ,which is the most  chosen way in the country . the 14th January 2010 in the avenue of Habib bourgiba,  tunisiens made a revolution after more than one & a half month  of protests in differents places in all over the country .Thus this avenue means the cradel of the events .In addition ,we get used to see  protests  which is a good index for a dimocratic state . yesterday the tunisien minstry of the interior announced the prevention of protestation of there.It argues by the complainig of the buisiness woners & the owners of the tourism entreprises , which is not really convincing to prepent what a people win .To day, i personally went to avenue , i noticed only one different thing .the cops are more than we used to see even their cars . they are like ready to suppress ...

                                         Are we Gonna lose even our liberty of expression?

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