13 septembre 2012

TnGov must Stop torturing against civilians

My country has never been Sentenced by impartial president . To start with , Borgiba is the founder of the moderne state but he was tatalitarian too , he supressed all the other opponents politicians like communists , islamists , nationalists ...'Til we move on to Ben Ali's regime one of the most dicatorships all over the world in the last twenty years, torturing was very conducive .This great people made the 14 January revolution , therefore one of the revolution's goals is to stop torturing.

On 11 September 2012 , Radhia Nasraoui a lawyer & the president of the tunisian organization against torture , confirmed that  barbaric practice still used by secuirty authorities thus she receives constantly complains about torture .Besides she believes that the negative attitudes of the government encouraged the police to continue the bad habit of torture 
Abed Raouf Khamessi : he've been arrested when he was accompained his wife ,whose suffers from canser, in the hospital . the authorities took him to the closest police station , they beat him so badly ,after two hours they took him to Charl Nicole hospital . He was in coma for 12 day & he passed away on 8 Septemebr at night . Doctors predicted his death because of a dangerous swipe on his head , Radhia Nasraoui considers the condition of Abed Raouf is the most horrible case of torture 
The innocent Girl : on 8 Septemeber Radhia was invited in Nessma TV to discuss the events of torturing Adb Raouf , she annouced that a girl caller told her that she was raped by two policemen .This crime was Spreaded on the social networking sites so fast , thus the ministry of interior published a statment in which it ensures this news and it starts in an investigation.Last but not least the official spoker of the ministry of interior said that the girl was arrested in an immoral position with a men  , now i wonder if what he said is true , does that give policemen the right to rape her ?
not only those two condition has totured , i always find victims of this awful regime , last week a men died under torture in Tajerouin El Kef north west Tunisia , also a 20 years old guy died due hard torture in Boumhal to day .We have been witnessed the human Rights abuse , we need to put an end for this , let all the world know what we are passing through , let human right organizations know , at leat if we're not able to fixe our futur let's fixe our children's future 

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