24 juillet 2012


unfortunately  this people forgot why the revolution was made , what i see is this people or let's say ,this government rejects to accept the minorities in this country. In a period of democratic transition , Jaber Mejri is in jail for seven years & Fine while his friend Ghazi Beji get a way to Romania because of some pictures posted on facebook . what we see from those pictures that the guys are atheists . Tunisians Muslims  get used to live with Jewish & Christians , they don't see no matter in that . I refuse to say it's crime , i've never believed that atheism is crime while criminals are on laws . This is differently a politic issue in my eyes , minorities in this country are totally against this government , so it see rejecting them is better .
 To be an irreligious in this country is a difference .Laws , human rights organisation ... protect minorities to chose & practice their own beliefs .Personally i am Muslims & i don't see any violation from those two guys to my religion , even Islam showed how we have to live with different people
في سورة الكهف الآية [29]: ﴿وَقُلِ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكُمْ فَمَن شَاء فَلْيُؤْمِن وَمَن شَاء فَلْيَكْفُرْ
own Those rules judged on Jaber & Ghazi have no relation with Islam , its pretended to suppress the free opinion .Finally a commission to support those two young men for a solidarity campaign , but it is faced with the ignore of the society that's why we should stand together in order to stop the suppress


Jaber now is trapped between the cold walls of jail , human rights defender said that the relevant authorities are torturing him with many horrible ways . they make him fasted , they obligate him to pray too . All that because he chose to be an atheist , Jaber & Ghazi are victims to day , may be you're tomorrow .#Freedom for Jaber .

21 juillet 2012

Tunisia is under the culture of 7lell & 7ram

This is the Second Ramadhan in Tunisia after the revolution , it is the first under the authority of Nadha . we used to see fasted people & non fasted . that's how we raised , majority of this country are muslims , not all of them are practicing the islamic rules , Besides  there are minority  who are irreligious . to present a civil society , we are obliged to respect what they chose & thier difference.

In this government ,  yesterday a cafe shop owner in Naser city north Tunisia, contacted the famous tunisian blogger Leen Ben Mhenni he was in the condition of shocked person inforamting her that the police came at his shop obliged him to close it for this month . personally i didn't beleive what i read like status in Facebook,
i realized this new awkward habit of the security authority when i watched this video  produced by Amine M'tiraoui a  journalist in Nawaat .what we know , there are no laws that prohibt the opening of  cafe shops & resturants in this month , the journalist tried to contact the press officer of the ministry of interior but no one answered .Which is more dangerous, in the end of video the cafe owner was surprised with a group of Bearded people cheking if the shop is closed or not the owner said "If we didn't closed maybe disaster was happened" .what the authority did , is stopping twenty worker from thier jobs for a month .
and what really makes me more worried is that a class of people support the gouvernment  thinking  that those obligations have to be done with no discussion as like closing resturants in this month is a right  .

 This bad habits practiced due to emerging dictatorship via religion affect on civilians. it started in the beginning of the summer , many civilans has been assaulted by police because of the way they dressed up , security authority practice those horrible habits and argue with religion and custom . we though that the supress of authority to our freedom is end , while it still affects on us through a religous ways. 

04 juillet 2012

تبحيرت أولاد الحومة

تبحيرت أولاد الحومة كيف لحمة الكرومة متاكلة و مذمومة , تبحيرت أولاد الحومة برشا جوا و نحسة علينا كيف زيارة البومة ...هل أتاكم حديث عّم صطوفة ؟ المشلغم صاحب سيارة السطافات؟ الي يخاف على اولادوا و ميخافش على أولاد الناس , الي على الفرنك يرمي روحوا معلابالوش , بودلاعة راكز الشيشة و ميهموش , عليه المازوط و الراس بخمسة يبرمج على كيفوا  , يتربع في قهوة ولد شهلة يحكيلك على السخانة و الناس المتشخلعة في البحر , يذكر أولاد الحومة بهّمهم , يمسح العرق و يقول " أيا تعرفوش كيفاش أنتوما أولاد حومة و خير مالبراني أتوا نهزّ أولادي و كل واحد يجيب خمسية بركة " من الفرحة فما شكون يعدي سهرية للصباح و فما شكون يروح و يفيق في الصباح العينين مدعمشة و الفم شايح و كيف مايقولو ناس بكري " من الفرحة بالجنة بّص فوق النعش " يهزّ أكالمنشفة على ظهرو و دبوزة الماء على العينين يجي عمك سطوفة "أيا ازربونا أش هالنهار الازرقٌ " ثنية كاملة يعديها يتثاوب يوصلوا للبحر يهبط الغشاشر و يتفاهموا على وقت المرواح , 17 راس في بحر لا والي لتالي من التعب يرتاحوا تحت الكراهب في الباركينغ و خلي عاد كان لقاهم واحد من الحومة ...معليناش الصغيرات هاذم ميكسابوش مليم أزرقٌ , أذاكا علاش أولاد الحومة يبشطروا الدخان , أولاد الحومة يعملوا عركة على خاطر نفس سيقٌارو و خلي كان واحد شرى حاجة ياكلها , أولاد الحومة كيف يجوعوا يتعلموا النطرة ,أولاد الحومة يبراكوهم , و خاصة اولاد الحومة يتسيبوا في عرض البحر و لا من يسأل عليهم , عمك صطوفة كيف يروح برأس ناقص ميهموش لا من شاف لا من درى , أولاد الحومة كل صيف هكا , أولاد الحومة على خاطرهم محروهين , أولاد الحومة ينحرفوا , أولاد الحومة ضيعوا منّا 
أنا تصدمت كيف شوفت أولاد حومتي هكا ؟؟؟ وأنتي زعمت أولاد حومتك هكا ؟؟؟